Wednesday 4 February 2015

FEMEA 06.02.15 @UdK Berlin

FEMEA Festival - Feminism, Experimental Media and Electronic Arts

A one-day event exploring gender (in)equality, cyberfeminism, experimental media and music

6th February, 2015 UdK Medienhaus, Berlin
organization: Annie Goh, Elen Flügge and “The Gender Troublers”
support for projects in part by the Frauenbeauftragte of the Universität der Künste, Berlin

// FEMEA - Feminism Experimental Media & Electronic Arts
// Friday 6th February 2015
// 14h-21h Aula (R110) UdK Berlin
// Grunewaldstr. 2-5, 10823 Berlin, U-Kleistpark

The Gender Troublers (UdK WiSe 2014-2015) present : a one day festival with exhibition, presentations, performances, music, workshop and interventions. 

// Special Guests from 5.30pm: Mysti: Lecture Performance, Fem Coven / Hystereo Live: Lectures
// Free Entry (Donations welcome)
// Food + Drinks available
// More info:
// Organization: Annie Goh, Elen Flügge
// Participants: Monaí de Paula Antunes, Ellen Arkbro, Aliisa Talja, Daniela Zorrozua, Kristina Paustian, Eleanor Aylett-Jones, Elissa de Brito, Claire van der Mee, Celine Brunel, Ivan Deméocq, Aleksandrs Abens, Nicolas Lefort